The Cedar Hill Fifth Grade Character Education Council sponsored May The 4th Be With You on Friday May 4 from in the Cedar Hill multi-purpose room. The event was to benefit the Lung Cancer Foundation of America. To raise money, each participant paid $5 for a Star Wars-themed scorecard. Upon completion of all events, scorecards were put in a raffle for a Star Wars video game.
Austin Bailey, an eighth-grade consultant to the council, said, “We had 100 kids preregistered so we already made $500 for LCFA. Some kids paid at the door and maybe made some donations.”
Austin and the Character Education Council got together during their recess or lunch to discuss fundraising and charitable work. Past events include Helping Hands Homeless Bags which were filled with collected grooming supplies and Hearts of Hope. For Hearts of Hope, students had to buy clay stones to decorate and send to a children’s hospital.
Fifth grader council member Colin Gomet said, “In 2016, my uncle died of lung cancer so it was my suggestion to do a fundraiser for this organization.”
Colin’s challenge was Balance of the Force. Participants had to hit a hanging whiffle ball around a PVC pipe without moving off a line. Colin proudly said, “My dad helped me build my challenge.”
Cathy Lundquist, a Cedar Hill kindergarten teacher, had her students call Montville First Aid Squad member Frank Thierwechter to ask if he could bring the ambulance to the event. Mrs. L’s class shouted into the phone, “Safety first.” On standby were Frank Thierwechter and Nick Krientz with the Montville First Aid Volunteer Ambulance.